Thursday, June 21, 2012

Crossfit Vancouver BC, Westside Location

June 20th, Wednesday,Vancouver, BC

Hey Everyone - After a bit of a break from blogging about my visits to various Crossfit locations, I have decided to start this up again!  There are a few pictures below and I have also done a video so you can see what the box looks like, how they have configured their equipment and get a better feeling for this specific CF.  So here we go.

I was up in Vancouver BC for a couple of days and I first contacted Crossfit BC but they were insistent on charging me a "drop in" fee of $20. I asked them if I could purchase a T-shirt in lieu of the fee but the answer was no, so I looked elsewhere.  That is when I found Crossfit Westside which was about 9 blocks from my hotel in the neighborhood called Yaletown in downtown Vancouver.  I did not contact them, instead decided to attend the 7 am class and assume the sale, no drop in fee.  So that was the plan.

It was a great morning to jog down to Crossfit Westside which took about 10 minutes, quite a beautiful city.  It was also located near my other favorite store, Starbucks so that was a real bonus.  I gotta have my coffee after the WOD.  I walked in and met one of the trainers, Taunya who was doing some personal training with a client but she got me set up with a release form and guess drop in fee!  The trainer that day for the 7 am WOD was Morgan, he was super cool and did a great job with the WOD movements and the warm up. 

We did a really nice warm up of about a 400 meter run and then the following exercises two times.

10 - pass throughs with the dowel
20  - leg swings total
10 - inch worms
10 - wall angels

All of these I knew except for the Wall Angels which turned out to be very good.  Here is how to you do it.  Stand against the wall with your knees slightly bent and back flat against the wall.  Then place both arms on the wall like a scarecrow and move them up and down without letting them come away from the wall, while keeping your back flush against the wall. This is supposed to improve core strength, flexibility and mobility.  Try it.

Then we did a short training on the movements in the WOD which was named after one of their members who was leaving the box, a guy named JF.  Here you go.

10 - HSPU
20 - Alternating 1 arm KB snatches ( 53lb)
30 - Box jumps 20/24
200 meter run
6 rounds

When I first saw this, I though, oh no, 1 arm KB snatches????  Brings back memories of the games in Bend! So...321Go and were off, HSPU were ok, but the KB snatches took it out of me in a hurry, then we had 30 Box jumps and after round 2 or 3 I was feeling this one.  Finished in 33:13 and I felt great and very happy to be done! 

Thanks again to Crossfit Westside in Vancouver, BC, to Morgan and the others who worked out
at the 7 am class that day!  Great job.