Thursday, August 11, 2011

SFO Crossfit - one more time

Ok, I have not written about a crossfit twice in a row but I was in SFO again and so I was able to blog about this location again.  This time I went to the 4:30 pm class on Monday Aug 8th and Tuesday morning 6 am on the 9th.  The 4:30 pm WOD was lead by a guy named Angel but he was not an "angel" to those who were partisipating.  II was there a bit early and had time to practice my DU and he told me to keep that jump rope with me as I will get to practice much more during today's WOD.  This is good for me cause you know that I currently struggle with DU's.

The really nice of this box is that they always do a nice warm up and really good stretching. 

200 meter run
50 DU
200 meter run

Then we did the normal stretching but then we did some group warm ups.  Everyone had to hang from a bar and hold their legs at a ninty degree angle or some modified version for 20 seconds for 5 rounds, then we practiced hand stand walks which only 2 of the 30 people there could do so, instead we had to hold a plank position for 5 minutes with our feet on a box or in a hand stand position with your feet against the wall, lastly we did "ab" work.  Everyone had to hold a bow position with hands outstretched and rock back and forth for 30 seconds for 5 sets, then when we thought that was over, we had to do 20 more sit ups, not so much fun.

Finally to the WOD.

Forward Lunges with 95#

15 reps
12 reps
9 reps

So, overall a very good workout and especially great for me as I need the help on DU's and now happy to report that I was able to do 16 in a row.  They use the Buddy Lee magic JR and I just ordered 2 of them for Parisjat and I to use. 

2 WOD at 6 am on Aug 9th.

The only reason I am doing a second entry is because Kelly the owner of SFO Crossfit was teaching and I have to say, he is quite an amazing teacher.  We did a similar type of warm up but right after we did the warm up we went into a metabolic workout, very dynamic and he showed me so much about really using our core in many of the workouts especially the dead lifts which we did for this work out. 

The WOD was

Dead lift - Use your body weight
burbee box jumps

12 reps
9 reps
6 reps

5 rounds for time

When we got started with the dead lifts Kelly immediately came over to help me with form, I thought I was doing pretty well but really not so well.  My bad was curved and I really needed extra help on keeping my back very straight.  This was very frustrating for me but very good for me to hear and I was able to correct it.  Kelly had to correct me 3 times on my dead lifts which tells me that I have been doing dead lifts incorrectly all this time, oh well at least I have the correct form for next time.  That's not all, Kelly told me that when I was doing burpees that my feet need to land competely flat and not on my heels or toes.  According to Kelly landing on either your toes or heels could result in a torn ACL or other knee issues.  So, moving forward I will be focusing more on form and techique instead of time when doing either of these two movements.

I have included some extra pictures of the view from their location on clear days and their restrooms...thou shall not comment or complain about your bathrooms facilities unless you have portapotties as well.

All for now, see you at the next Crossfit somewhere soon........SAU

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