Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Crossfit San Fran

Crossfit San Francisco July 28, 2011- Next up on the list was a Crossfit that I was looking forward to seeing, San Francisco on the Presideo.  My hotel was about 3 miles from the box so i ran there for the 6 am class and took a taxi back, you will understand why I took the taxi back after you see what we had to do.

The location is quite nice, right on the water with a fantastic view of the Golden Gat

e Bridge, however it was foggy this morning so couldn't see much.    This is a location that is located completely outside and in the back loading dock of a outdoor retail store, and looks like there gear was stored in 20' freight containers.  They had 3 climbing ropes attached to the stairing leading up to a second store floor.There was some cover but not much so I suppose you just workout in the elements? 

I was the second to arrive and soon there were 21 people there for a 6 am workout.Everyone was either practicing DU's or some type of warm up before the WOD began.  The warm up was as follows;

run 200 meters
20 push ups
20 sit ups
20 walking lunges
run back to the box

running jump ropes 200 meters
20 push ups
20 sit ups
20 walking lunges
running jump rope back to the box.

Sled pushing - 130# - some others did 180# but I was happy with our weight.
We were in groups of 5 people and we were to push the sled about 40 yards and back and do it a total of 5 times each.  Sounds not too bad but after you do the outbound push you realize that you are in for a long WOD.  It tooks us about 40 minutes to finish this one, mostly becuause the last 2 seem to take forever.  Now you know why I took a taxi back to my hotel instead of running back, I was toast!

Thanks to Corine who was the instructor and to Juliet the owner for allowing me to workout at you location,   See you next time!

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